Friday, August 4, 2017


The Sunfish is a blob-like fish that has flat sides and fins attached to the top and bottom of their body. They lack a 'back fin'. They can grow to around 14 feet, and (probably) is a predator in the ocean. They have a wide mouth that allows food to move into their body. Their size also helps instill fear into nearby fish. If a 5,000-pound fish came near me, I'd swim in the other direction. There's also the bonus that they look similar to a shark with the big fin on top.

Scientists and researchers are still searching the world. We have neither turned every rock nor looked around every corner. There's more out there in the world for us to find and explore. And I think as we continue looking, we'll find more. The ocean is 36,000 feet deep, and we've only explored 5%. Unfortunately, the sunfish don't have the brightest future. With seals and sea lions preying on them (probably) for fun, doesn't make it look too good for them. The sea lions and seals rip off their fins. And this leaves them unable to swim do anything, except sink to the bottom of the ocean and die. I wish them the best.

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The Sunfish by Dylan Ramrattan

I think the Sunfish look the way it does because of the barbaric environment it has to live in. The sea is a crazy place. There are differen...